

Mark Cannon QC

The PNLA wishes all the many friends and colleagues of Mark Cannon QC our condolences and the post published by 4 New Square is set out below. Mark will be very much missed. 4 New Square – Mark Cannon QC It is with very great sadness that chambers has to announce the death of Mark Cannon

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Consultations relating to Professional Negligence Claims – Have your say

Professional negligence lawyers who would like to influence the future may be interested in the following consultations: Solicitors Regulation Authority – closing date 15 February 2022 The SRA have now published their consultation on options for the future of post six-year run-off cover (PSYROC) and the Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF). The Legal Services Board –

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In memoriam, Stephen O’Rourke QC

The PNLA offer our condolences to all the friends and family of Stephen O’Rourke QC. He spoke for the PNLA in 2019 and will be remembered by the professional negligence legal community as a prominent and respected member. Please find the link here to the Faculty of Advocates article of 9 December 2021

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Failure to use the PNBA Adjudication Scheme condemned by Mr Justice Fraser 30 April 2021

Mr Justice Fraser refers to the PNBA Adjudication Scheme The costs decision is awaited and will be viewed with considerable interest by many. Whether or not the Judges are prepared to apply costs sanctions in this type of situation could change the landscape on the use of adjudication in professional negligence and liability claims.

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Insurers’ appeals dismissed by Supreme Court 15 January 2021

Supreme Court Judgment handed down on 15 January 2021 in the FCA Test case. The proceedings have been brought by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) under the Financial Markets Test Case Scheme (the “Scheme”) pursuant to an agreement made with eight insurance companies to resolve issues of general importance on which immediately relevant and

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CJC has just published its report on guideline hourly rates. It is open for public consultation until 31 March 2021

GUIDELINE HOURLY RATES WORKING GROUP REPORT FOR CONSULTATION JANUARY 2021 Should the recommendations be accepted? –  response required by 31 March 2021 Respond to the consultation online CJC link here   Some thoughts from Katy Manley: The stated methodology itself is contradictory and the logic flawed to the extent that the rates proposed in paragraph

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