

Truffle Tree Investment Scheme – contact Pradeep Oliver of Cripps Pemberton Greenish solicitors

Pradeep Oliver can be contacted on 01892 515121 PNLA registration The scheme has been subject to Court proceedings brought by the Insolvency Service resulting in the winding up of five connected companies: Westcountrytruffles Limited; Truffle Sales Limited; Viceroy Jones New Tech Limited; Viceroy Jones Overseas PCC Limited; Credit Free Limited. A non-party costs order was

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NEWS Covid-19 BI Update: Supreme Court to hear FCA Test Case appeal on 16-19 November 2020 – Fenchurch Law article by Aaron Le Marquer

Further to the ‘leapfrog’ applications for appeal filed by the FCA and 6 insurers in October, the Supreme Court has now granted the applications, and listed the matter to be heard from 16-19 November 2020. Link to full article

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Solicitors liable even if claimant acted illegally – Supreme Court decision of 30 October 2020 in Stoffel & Co. v Grondona

The background facts arise from the purchase by Ms Maria Grondona from Mr CL Mitchell of a flat with the benefit of a mortgage from Birmingham Midshires in October 2002. ‘The mortgage advance was procured by fraud. The respondent dishonestly misrepresented on the mortgage application form that the sale from Mitchell to the respondent was

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Marex Supreme Court Judgment on the rule against ‘reflective loss’ handed down 15 July 2020

Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31 (15 July 2020) Press summary from the Supreme Court 15 July 2020 Sevilleja (Respondent) v Marex Financial Ltd (Appellant) [2020] UKSC 31 On appeal from [2018] EWCA Civ 1468 JUSTICES: Lady Hale, Lord Reed, Lord Hodge, Lady Black, Lord Lloyd-Jones, Lord Kitchin, Lord Sales BACKGROUND TO

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Risk of fraud heightened by aspects of current working life – Checks & Balances are critical in the Covid-19 Era – by Phil Crooks Managing Director of BRG

The severe economic and social impacts of CODID-19 have increased the likelihood of fraud in relation not just to government assistance schemes where false claims could be made, but also the risks faced by companies and other organisations that may be subject to fraud as a result of the new working environment. Read more here

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Guidance on responsible contractual behaviour in the performance and enforcement of contracts impacted by the Covid-19 emergency 7 May 2020

The Government says:  ‘It is recognised in particular that disputes, especially a “plethora of disputes”, can be destructive to good contractual outcomes and the effective operation of markets. Further to paragraphs 15(m) and 15(n), the Government would strongly encourage parties to seek to resolve any emerging contractual issues responsibly – through negotiation, mediation or other

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