
Find a Specialist

We can help you find the right specialist for your professional negligence case. The PNLA Specialists are a unique focal point for the wide range of skills and experience in professional negligence and liability included in the search list. Find Specialists geographically spread throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Use the PNLA to help find the correct Specialist for you.


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Our Specialists

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Why do you need a specialist?

PNLA Specialists are professionals who you may need to pursue your professional negligence claim.

To assess whether there is a claim or defence, a qualified professional will need to be appointed as an expert on a ‘like for like’ basis so that they can provide an opinion about the level and standards of skill and care of the potential professional defendant, with confidence. For example a surveyor’s opinion will be needed to assess a claim based on a surveyor’s mortgage valuation. The PNLA specialists list will feature an expert that you can contact for your particular case.

In every case, sooner or later, the potential to resolve the dispute using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) will arise. Indeed, in many cases a costs sanction can be applied by the Court for unreasonable failure to engage in ADR. Both parties need to agree to the mediator or adjudicator provision. Please visit the specialists list to save you time and worry by connecting you with those who are experienced in your type of dispute. This gets you the help and advice you need fast.

Have your insurers declined your claim? Are your brokers potentially negligent? The PNLA Specialists list includes lawyers, solicitor and specialists who have considerable experience and confidence in coverage disputes and may be able to work with PNLA lawyers in a parallel action.

Are you responsible for trying to avoid the risk of professional negligence and liability claims arising in your professional practice? Are you facing a professional disciplinary hearing? If so, the specialist list will help you by providing details of lawyers who are experts in this field.

Are you a solicitor whose client needs ‘after the event’ (ATE) insurance? Are there any other litigation funding options available? The Specialists list will help you connect with potential funders and brokers.

Do you need help with your costs budget or a Bill of Costs for a detailed assessment? The Specialists list will include the right adviser for your case.

Next Event

PNLA Conference - Manchester - Professional Negligence & Liability - Fighting for Justice - 20 MARCH 2025

Thursday 20th March

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Join Us

You can join the PNLA as a Specialist by following the steps on this webpage or please contact Yvonne Fairbrother at

The management team reserve the right to reject applications for specialists and terminate their listing in circumstances they consider appropriate. Any monies received will be refunded, in whole or in part, at the discretion of the management team

Disclaimer: As an association the PNLA will help you search for a Lawyer or Specialist from those listed on this website. We do no more. We do not give advice. We do not vet or in any way accredit the Lawyers or Specialists. We have not verified their qualifications and identity. We accept no legal responsibility or liability for their service to you.

PNLA Specialist Benefits

  • Increase your client base: Our website and telephone helpline attract individuals and businesses looking for specialists of the types listed in the SEARCH button. Our specialists are listed in the Find a Specialist, categorised by region and Type of Specialist.
  • Specialist login: You can login to your specialist listing page and edit/amend your details and expertise as well, as renew your Specialist listing due annually on 1st July.
  • PNLA logo: You can use the PNLA logo in your website and marketing material.
  • Training: The PNLA is the only association to offer dedicated training programmes in professional negligence and liability law and practice. See our Events page for our conference programme. Course discounts are available to all our specialists.
  • PNLA LinkedIn. You are invited to join the PNLA LinkedIn page to post and message group members. View our page here.
  • Help from the PNLA network: We can circulate your requests to other members and specialists for guidance and support.
  • News: Specialists can request the PNLA to post news and articles on the website and we will make announcements about important developments.
  • Sponsorship: Contact us for opportunities to sponsor PNLA events and advertise online and to our membership.
  • Your judgments: The PNLA will provide a useful platform for you to discuss your professional negligence cases.
  • PNLA lawyers: The SEARCH for PNLA lawyers enables lawyers and specialists to recommend and access additional resources to save time. Specialists have the opportunity to access the PNLA lawyer network.
  • Cross-jurisdictional network: The PNLA has been holding professional negligence conferences in Dublin and Edinburgh, as well as across England & Wales, for many years. The common ground between law and procedure is powerful. The text book ‘bible’ is widely regarded to be Jackson & Powell and the judgments are all available on

Join our growing professional negligence association as an expert

You can join as an individual, a group of individuals, and secure a listing on the PNLA website. Simply follow the joining instructions on the JOIN section on this webpage.

If you would like to join as a business with a corporate listing, please contact us for further details.

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