Jane Player

Independent Mediators Limited
- Mediator
- 11111111
- 01/01/2001
- London
- 70 Fleet Street
South East
- imoffice@independentmediators.co.uk
- 02071 279223
- http://www.independentmediators.co.uk
Jane is a leading international mediator. Her practice focuses on general corporate and contractual claims, fraud, and project disputes, including pharmaceuticals, energy, technology, IP, and media disputes. Jane has particular experience of international dispute resolution and has a leading reputation for managing cross cultural aspects of joint venture and international shareholder disputes.
Jane was accredited by CEDR in 2001 but has been mediating as counsel since 1992. From 2001 Jane combined her busy mediation career whilst maintaining her demanding legal practices in international law firms. Jane joined King & Spalding in April 2012 where she was a partner in their London Disputes Group until March 2017. Prior to that Jane was the co-head of the International Dispute Resolution Group at Bird & Bird and before that, Jane spent 10 years with DLA Piper as head of their London Disputes team. Jane became a full-time mediator in April 2017.
Jane is a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators. As well as mediating for IM, she is on the ICC, LCIA, CiArb, WIPO and SIMC panels and a member of the International Mediation Institute. She is recognised for her expertise by Chambers & Partners and the Legal 500.
Please Independent Mediators website (address above) for full CV.
Specialist Type
- Mediator